K-Days 2024 – Day 3

Today were the matches that counted for the competition and things went really well. We won all of our matches and ended the Qualification Round in 1st place!  

For the final matches, FTC team 10544 Cyber Eagles Silver accepted our invitation to form an alliance. Working together, we were able to get a high score for Alberta of 302 points in the finals.

Throughout the day, our team members made an effort to connect with members from other teams.  It was great getting to meet students from Helios, TWOSE teams, Pumabotics and Cyber Eagles!

FIX IT won the Inspire Award and was Captain of the Winning Alliance.  It was a great finish to the season, worthy of Captain Hook!

K-days 2024 Day 2

Today was the practice matches for the event and we finished in 2nd place. The start was rough when Captain Hook’s wrist fell off and we lost the first match. After it was fixed, we won the rest of our matches!

Everyone had fun playing matches with and against our parents and other mentor bots throughout the day.

Kdays was the perfect time for one of our newer team members to get some experience as a field coach and he had an interesting experience. 

Our judging interview today went pretty well although a noisy band started playing next door which made it a bit hard to hear. One of the judges is also named Max!

We are hoping nothing goes wrong so we can make it into the finals as a alliance captain tomorrow!!

K-Days 2024 – Day 1

FIX IT has arrived at the Alberta off-season event, K-Days held in Edmonton. This will be Captain Hook’s last competition and we’re gonna put on a show.

We are having fun exploring the event too. Today was all about setting up, chilling in the pit with dragon’s breath and even a bit of gaming. There are lots of great foods and different pits to check out!

Jasper: My favourite food was the “dragon’s breath” liquid nitrogen candy because of how cool it looked when you ate it. 

Here’s the video of us eating Dragon’s Breath!

Jason: I loved the first day at K-Days. There is so much to explore throughout the Expo, and I even got to try dragon’s breath for the first time. Can’t wait to keep exploring around and trying new things!

Kai: It was so cool to check out the indie game dev expo at the K-Days. Working on a video game myself gave me an interesting perspective on the different projects. 

Max: My favorite food I saw was the giant mozzarella stick on a stick because I think it sounds gross but it looks really good!

Ryan: I love looking around the stands! There is so much to do and look at! I loved trying the “dragon’s breath”, it was amazing!