Competition Day 1 – 2024

The robot cart finally came today and we were able to finish setting up our pit. We also got some fancy green lights for our banner! We also got to play our first match and we even won!!!

Judging seemed to go well and they were interested in what we’d been doing this season.

Kai: I was so surprised when they told us we needed to reinspect our team prop, we never got told anything about it before and now we might need to change it. Auto’s gonna be rough  

Max: I’m glad we won our first match. Off to a good start!

Leo: I did my first scouting today and I’m excited for more!

Here’s our list of matches for the Thursday and Friday.

Match #RedBlueScore
Qualification 220279
Qualification 1522708
Qualification 3116008
Qualification 4710255
Qualification 583491
Qualification 7714793
Qualification 9711148
Qualification 1103491
Qualification 1207105
Qualification 13223350

Thanks to Kristina for the twinkling lights in our pit!

BC Championships 2024

FIX IT was in the BC FIRST Tech Challenge Championships held in Surrey BC.   The top 24 teams from British Columbia and the Yukon were competing.   

Some of the highlights for our team were:

  • playing in the highest scoring match of the Qualifying Rounds. With Guild of Builders, we got a high score of game of 220 points including a 100 point perfect autonomous.
  • we had fun hanging out with other teams at the social on Saturday night.
  • thanks to FTC 18841 KSS One for choosing us to be on their Alliance.
  • Mecha mustangs had a really cool under glow on their robot. 

Of course, winning Inspire was our favourite moment of the day.

FIX IT will be competing at the FIRST World Championships in Houston Texas on April 17-20, 2024. Check out our Go Fund Me to help or contact us if you have a suggestion about a company who could sponsor our team.

BC Championships!

After Victoria Qualifiers, we were able to go to Vancouver for the FTC BC Championships! The event was a lot bigger, and we met some old and new friends!

Setting up our pit (not struggling at all)

The first day of the 2-day event was practice matches. We did really well, but this day it didn’t matter because it was all practice.

FIX IT and PARABELLUM! BC’s 2 World’s teams reunited.

After the practice matches came the team social event, where there was some intense ping-pong, Mario Kart, and Indian food eating. This was super fun and also a good de-stress before the actual competition the next day.

Amren about to get smoked by Jackson in Connect 4
Bryce thinks he’s the GOAT (he is)


The following day we had our qualification and elimination matches. For some reason, we did a LOT better during our practice matches than we did in the qualifications. We did not finish with a very high placement, but we were still selected to be on the 1st place alliance.

FIX IT and Reynolds against the 4th Alliance in Semifinal Match 1!

Our alliance was unfortunately eliminated in this semifinal. So that was the end of the road for us, but then the award ceremony happened…


FIX IT won Inspire!! Upon winning 1st place Inspire at BC Championships, we received an invite to World Championships ion Houston, Texas (again). But we declined this opportunity, and it was passed to Forces Unknown.

We declined World Championships because we were one of the 48 teams across the world that received an invite to the Asia Pacific Open Championships! APOC takes place in Sydney, Australia. It takes a lot of time and money to get ready for this competition, and we have already been to World Championships. So we wanted to dedicate our time to getting ready for Australia. We wish Reynolds and Forces Unknown the best of luck with their fundraising and we hope they have fun in Houston!

As for everyone else in the competition, you all did amazing and should all be very proud of yourselves, because we are all proud of you! We look forward to seeing you all next season!

This is what happens when Christine leaves for 0.001 seconds

BC Championships

On Feb. 26, 2022, 3491 FIX IT competed in the first in-person Championships in over two years! It was held at at Khalsa Secondary School in Surrey. For some of our team members, this event was their first live competition.

Overall, we came 17th place out of 28, having a total point score of 404, averaging 80.8pts per match.

Here is a link to see our matches
Qualification 7 (122pts):
Qualification 10 (80pts):
Qualification 18 (40pts):
Qualification 24 (76pts):
Qualification 34 (86pts):

BC Championships – Think Award

We learned a lot from the competion, regarding our strengths and weaknesses. But more importantly, we were able to meet many teams from around BC that we haven’t met, or seen for a long time!

We won the Think award, and was the second place Inspire Award, providing us a ticket to the World Championships!

We all had a lot of fun, and we are excited to compete at the World Championships.

BC Championships – Season Wrap-up

BC Championships marked the end of the season for FIX IT. Although this year was challenging for everyone, we persevered; working together to build the best robot we could, and constantly improving our robot over time. Even though the pandemic has separated us physically, we continued to reach out to other teams and communities. We created and led workshops, while continuing to connect with companies such as Boston Dynamics and Battlesnake.

And in the end, this would all pay off in BC Championships…

This year gave us many firsts, both good and bad.

In FIX IT’s 12 year history, it was the first year we didn’t get to travel to and compete in Washington; the first year that we didn’t get to meet other teams in person.

It was also the first time we won the Inspire award in BC, and the first time we were part of creating a network in which all BC teams can communicate together – helping each other through the season, from giving each other advice to improve their robot, to providing outreach opportunities for other teams.

It’s almost time for our two seniors, Ines and Mythri, to leave the team. We’ll miss them, but hope to see them as Alumni volunteers at events!

With the season now finished, we’re planning on how to develop our skills this summer, reaching out to our community and connecting with other companies, as we prepare for next season. And we defintely need to find some girls to join our team. ( And wishing for a Water Game! )