K-Days 2024 – Day 1

FIX IT has arrived at the Alberta off-season event, K-Days held in Edmonton. This will be Captain Hook’s last competition and we’re gonna put on a show.

We are having fun exploring the event too. Today was all about setting up, chilling in the pit with dragon’s breath and even a bit of gaming. There are lots of great foods and different pits to check out!

Jasper: My favourite food was the “dragon’s breath” liquid nitrogen candy because of how cool it looked when you ate it. 

Here’s the video of us eating Dragon’s Breath!

Jason: I loved the first day at K-Days. There is so much to explore throughout the Expo, and I even got to try dragon’s breath for the first time. Can’t wait to keep exploring around and trying new things!

Kai: It was so cool to check out the indie game dev expo at the K-Days. Working on a video game myself gave me an interesting perspective on the different projects. 

Max: My favorite food I saw was the giant mozzarella stick on a stick because I think it sounds gross but it looks really good!

Ryan: I love looking around the stands! There is so much to do and look at! I loved trying the “dragon’s breath”, it was amazing!